Copyright 1996-2023 The Maine Snowmobile Association
Supporting Business Membership
MSA Supporting Business Memberships may be purchased through your local snowmobile club. You can contact them using the club list, or drop an email to the MSA and we'll provide you with the contact name and phone number of the club's membership chair or president. Each club sets its own price for the business membership; $23 of the fee is sent to the MSA for state affiliation. Memberships Run from Oct. 1-Sept. 30.
Supporting Business members receive a season's subscription to the Maine Snowmobiler, a listing in the Maine Snowmobiler on the Supporting Business pages, an MSA decal and certificate to post in their place of business, discounted advertising rates in the Maine Snowmobiler, and a listing on the back of the following year's ITS map (statewide map of the interconnected snowmobile trail system). During the 2019-2020 snowmobiling season, 2100+ businesses chose to show their support of the MSA and MSA snowmobile clubs by becoming Supporting Business Members.